Generate and navigate typescript files with a Projen component.
The sole exported class of this project, TypescriptMorpher
, acts as a wrapper around the excellent ts-morph.
A few convenience methods are added to that class to aid in codegen, and during the synth() phase of your project all creations/updates/deletes will be saved to disk.
See and for more details on the API. I take no credit for that amazing project.
Make sure to add ts-morph
as a dependency and make sure it's actually installed before attempting to use this component. See examples below to get started.
Consider this library unstable.
See this project's .projenrc.ts for usage of createTemporaryTypescriptFile
and renderFencedTypescript
import { TypescriptMorpher } from 'projen-ts-morph';
const morpher = new TypescriptMorpher(project);
const source = morpher.createTypescriptFile('src/cool_generated.ts');
name: 'CoolGenerated',
isDefaultExport: true,
Generated using TypeDoc